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My Life After Married

Simple. i love all that simple. Decision to marry at the age of 23 is also a simple decision. After married to Ahmad Jumadil, a man that i love, life is different now. When single, i was like spending time outdoors. Teaching, a part-time journalist, broadcast and college-life together. But it all changed slowly since the January 13, 2013. Slowly but surely, i began to reduce the hectic schedule. Perhaps, it has come a time when all will change. Especially after knowing the first two months of pregnancy after four months of marriage. I chose to move to the area where husband work: Sarolangun! Lucky me, my study has been completed.
I still have a chance to teach here and being a teacher at MAN 1 Sarolangun.

But now there is no longer broadcast-world, rush-hour assignment or search for news as i did when i was a journalist. Everyday, i wake up  at five, cooking for breakfast and packed lunches husband, then go teach, come home around 2 pm. Sometimes i use my-afternoon to cleaning the house and other work. Is like a  heaven when i was looking at husband's cute smile and my round belly. Feels impatient expecting my first child. 
Probably, i still have sooo many dreams. But being a wife and mother is the dream of many single in this world. I am grateful, very grateful with what i have now.

1 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum kakak :)
    feeling great found you and know you are live in Sarolangun too
