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I take some time to think, write and arrange all these with spirit and dedicate to you whose spirit!

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Pink Ranger

Hi. Assalamualaikum.

I declare myself as a pink ranger about three years ago. Starting from the words of a friend who once told me I was too strong doing many things at a time. Not something to be proud of it, but I really love to work. I have been working since junior high school. Left home early in the morning and come home late at night for me is not unusual. Yes, I really love to work. Own money and of course enjoy the days themselves. I am a ranger. Pink Ranger.

I often use the excuse "I am a ranger" when my friends started to doubt my passion and ability. Most of them do not believe or giggling. But never mind, I just think it is a perception of my own that I stay motivated.
Once more, i am proud to be a ranger.

(The second picture above is the status of Ahmad Jumadil, the only one who believe that i am a ranger)

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